Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Nighttime Passage of the Cuyahoga

The Cuyahoga was the ship that I really wanted to catch.  She wasn't too far behind the G3 Marquis.
Unfortunately, it was darker at this point.  But again, a little fiddling with the settings helped.
I kind of like this one.  I never realized that a ship could be silhouetted by the background lights.  This is one of the reasons why a blackout was declared on the east coast during World War II. 
I really like this one for all the reflections in the water.
You can almost see the ship in this one.
And she continues past.
I think she was heading up from Detroit and I think she was heading to one of the Canadian stone docks.
I like the reflection of her port light in the water.
I'm not sure what the light to the right was.
Her pilothouse helped illuminate this picture.
I think this one may be my favorite.  It was fun taking these pictures but I think I might need to find a spot where I can get more light on the ships.

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