Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Nighttime Passage of the G3 Marquis

This was the first ship I wanted to catch.  I hope that I would catch her passing by the Bridge but it was getting dark, so I headed a little further up the river to catch her sooner.
It was still pretty dark but my new camera has pretty decent low light capability.  I thought I would try it out.
You can see the ship silhouetted by Sarnia.
I was messing around with the settings to try and get the ship brighter.  This was about the best I could do.
I might have been picking up the lights from my side of the river.
I kind of like this shot.
I kind of like this shot. 
I really like this shot.  The ship is bright enough to see the lettering on the side.
Another one.
This one might be my favorite.

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