Sunday, July 26, 2020

Returning to the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge

The Shiawassee National Wildlife Reserve is about five miles south of Saginaw on M-13.  It was established in 1953 and contains about 10,000 acres of land.  It is mostly wetland and is an area that is used by migratory waterfowl.
The best part is the 6.5 mile wildlife drive that goes through the park.  There are also trails that come off the drive.  Much of the wildlife is close to the drive and can be photographed with a decent telephoto lens.
 A painted turtle sunning on a log.  There seemed to be too much duckweed though.
 As I was getting out at another spot, this cormorant flew right over me.
 One more shot as another flew by.
 An egret in flight.  These are very graceful looking birds.
 Another egret in flight.
 An egret fishing.
 A pair of egrets on the shore.
 I like the reflection in this picture.
 Another pair of egrets.
 I like the reflection in this picture too.
 I'll call this one conspiracy heron.
 I think this is actually a young heron.
 He posed for a while for me.
 And he starts to walk away.
 Near the stones.
 I like this one.
 Another egret.
 A bonaparte's gull.
 Another heron.
 He was foraging the bottom for food.
 Another majestic looking bird.
 A water lily.
 One without a reflection.
 I like this one.
 I think this is an Eastern kingbird.
 Another shot of him.
 An egret in a field.
 This was a pretty amazing sight.
 I'm not sure what this was.  I think it might have been a beaver but I'm not sure.
 Another heron.
 Another egret.
 I'll call this one "Spy Vs. Spy".
And one more before moving on.

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