Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Return of the Yankee Lady

So I heard a distinctive sound over my apartment as I was sitting at the computer a couple of weeks ago.  Of course I had to go out to check it.  As I looked up in the sky, I saw the Yankee Lady going on a flight.
 I figured that if I hurried up, I could get pictures of her as she returned from her trip.  As it was, I didn't have time to swap lenses.   So the first three pictures are blown up.
 The B-17 makes a very distinctive sound.  It's hard to miss when it flies right over your dwelling space.
 It's kind of nice living near Willow Run.
 I heard the sound a little later.  This time I had a little more time to prepare, so I was able to put my bigger lens on the camera.
 These pictures required some blowing up but not much.  so I like them a little better.
 I'm tempted to photoshop this picture over a picture of Cary Grant running.
 The plane was using the 27 runway, so I was able to get a decent side shot.
I love this shot.

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