Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Stop for Pelicans

So I slowly make it to last weekend.  I decided to head up to Shiawassee National Wildlife Reserve because I saw some pictures of pelicans and they are neat looking birds.

First up is conspiracy heron.
I think he was also fishing heron.  It's actually pretty neat to watch them when they fish.  They scan the water and when they see something, they dart in.
I kind of liked the reflection too.
An egret on a post.
He's looking around.
Back to fishing.
The first pelican I could see.  Unfortunately, he was too close to the shore and the weeds were getting in the way.
And then I saw this one landing.  I really like this picture.
A group of pelicans.
A more elegant landing in the water.
Flying around.  For some reason, it reminds me of a DC-3.
He was circling around.
I kind of like this picture.
I saw a bunch of butterflies flying around but they never really stopped until this one.
He gave me a nice pose.
And another one.
A cormorant flying by.
I like the way this one is framed.
An egret fishing.
I think he was trying to get a better view.
Another angle of him.
An eastern king bird.
It was almost like he was modeling for me.
and the light was perfect.
He was looking at me.
One more.  This is a beautiful bird.
A fawn.
The fawn's mother.
She stuck around long enough and then bolted when the fawn left.
 And a crappy picture from an uncooperative kingfisher.

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