Sunday, August 9, 2020

Catching the Mesabi Miner

So on Saturday July 31, I decided to go chase a couple of ships before heading back to Shiawassee.  I was going back to work on Monday, so my four month "vacation" was coming to an end.  Unfortunately, it was a pretty hot day but the sky looked pretty cool.

I saw that the Mesabi Miner was heading down to Cleveland.  She is a ship that I don't see very often.  In fact, it has been since last July that I've seen her.
She tends to spend alot of time on the Lake Michigan side of things and she doesn't typically pass Detroit.
I think she was coming down from Duluth with a load of iron.  But it could have been Superior or Two Harbors.  At any rate, I know she was delivering iron.
Since she can't fit on the Cuyahoga, she would be stopping at the Cleveland Bulk Terminal where she would deliver her load.
Smaller ships will take it from there and make the trip down the windy Cuyahoga River where they will deliver iron to the steel mill on the south side of Cleveland.
If I didn't have other plans, it would have been kind of neat to head down to Cleveland to catch her there.
The clouds looked pretty cool.
She almost passes by.
The almost beam shot.
The beam shot and I really liked the look of the clouds in this shot.
She continues down the River.  If I remember correctly, it is roughly 7 hours from Detroit to Cleveland.
She is registered in Wilmington, Delaware which is a place she will never see.
She makes the turn to continue down the river.
I kind of like the steam in this picture.
 She passes the subject of an upcoming post.

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