Thursday, August 20, 2020

And the Action Jackson

 The Herbert C. Jackson is a ship that has many nicknames.  She is also one of the workhorses.

I tend to see her a few times in the shipping season because she is usually going from Marquette to Dearborn.
But it doesn't seem like she is doing that as much this year.
For this trip, she is heading down from Silver Bay, Minnesota which is about an hour drive north from Duluth on the Highway 61 made famous by Bob Dylan.
She passes the Renaissance Building.
A headshot.  I couldn't get a good headshot of the Manitowoc.  The Jackson was traveling down the normal part of the river.
At any rate, it is about 36 hours from Silver Bay to Sault Sainte Marie.  It is another 24 hours from the Soo to Detroit and about 7 hours to her destination of Cleveland.  This makes it about a 700 nautical mile trip.
I don't think she is heading back to Silver Bay on this run though.
In Silver Bay, she would have picked up a load of taconite and she will deliver that to the steel mill at the south part of Cleveland.
Presumably, she will stop at the Cleveland Bulk Terminal where she will lighten a bit before shuttling on the Cuyahoga River.
The lighting was even better for me.
Anyway, as far as the nicknames go.
The nickname that I see most frequently is "Action Jackson" after the movie from the 80s.
I have called her Herbie the Love Boat.
And the Herb Superb.
It was still pretty windy out, so I didn't go out as far as I wanted.
but I still got some decent shots.
I like this one with the oranges in the sky.
Almost a beam shot.
More of a beam shot.
She continues down the river.
Another shot downriver.
Normally, she would go just past those stacks on the right to enter the Rouge River.
 One more shot before heading home.

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