Friday, August 21, 2020

Catching a Mini Air Show

 As I was finishing dinner,  I heard the distinctive sound of propeller aircraft flying over my apartment.  Since I live fairly close to Willow Run, I figured they had to be warbirds.  I grabbed my camera and headed outside.

The first plane that I ran into was the B-25 known as the Yankee Warrior.
She is one of now five flyable aircraft that are owned by the Yankee Air Museum.
She was built towards the end of World War II, so I don't think she saw any action.
She was followed by the C-47/DC-3 now known as Hairless Joe.  When she was wearing Air Force colors, she was known as Yankee Doodle Dandy and I kind of miss that paint scheme.
Mainly because it was fairly unique for C-47's.  Typically, they are painted in World War II colors like Hairless Joe is now.
I think Hairless Joe is supposed to be replicating a C-47 that flew the China-Burma-India route in Asia.
Another shot of the B-25 as it passes.
And another of the C-47.
This time the B-25 was doing a climbing turn and it looked kind of cool.  It was pretty cool that these planes were flying so close.

And one last shot of Hairless Joe.

I was able to see the B-17 named Yankee Lady but she wasn't in a good photo spot.  At any rate, apparently this was part of a mini air show.  If I had actually gone to the field tonight, I could have seen the Huey and a couple other planes.  Oh well.

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