Sunday, August 9, 2020

And the CSL Welland

 It turns out that there were two ships passing the Belle Isle.

The CSL Welland wasn't too far away.
I'm not sure where she was heading up from.
But I'm pretty sure she was heading up to Thunder Bay where she would pick up a load of grain.
As I've said in past posts, the grain trade has been up for the Canadians.
As a result, I've seen a ton of ships carrying grain.
So I'm pretty sure this ship was delivering grain to where she was coming from.
Typically ships like this will deliver grain to Montreal or Quebec City and cross ocean ships will pick it up from there.
Sometimes these ships will head up further and end up in the brackish waters.
That is one of the reasons why these ships tend to look rougher than their American counterparts.
She passes the Dewars Distillery.
A cleaner view.
Probably the cleanest view I can get at this part of the island.
The geese pass by.
 I think it is about 48 hours to Thunder Bay from here.

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