Sunday, August 9, 2020

Another Stop at Shiawassee

 I decided to head back up to Shiawassee.  I wanted to see the pelicans again.

First thing I saw was a yellow finch.
These are pretty cool looking birds.
An egret posing for me.
An egret fishing.
I like the hint of great around their eyes.
One more.
I think this was a juvenile heron.
A tundra swan.
An egret.
Conspiracy egret.
A heron.
A pair of pelicans.
Another heron.
A pod of pelicans.
The pair of pelicans from an earlier picture.
Another heron.
A hawk.
A hawk looking me.
About ready to take off.
And he flies away.
A map turtle.
Another heron.
A closeup.
A juvenile bald eagle.
More pelicans.
The same juvenile eagle.
He takes off.
 And lands on another pole.

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