Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Catching Up With the Angry Goose

So I'm still catching up on my posting.  I am now up to July 26, 2020.  I decided to head down to Riverside Park to catch a couple of ships.  This was the first of them.
First up was the CSL St. Laurent.  I think she was coming down from Thunder Bay with a load of grain for either Montreal or Quebec.  If there is one aspect of the shipping industry that has been up this year, it's been the grain shipping portion.
She passes by the Renaissance Center.  This view is one of the reasons why I like catching ships down at Riverside Park.  I can't really get this view from Belle Isle.  I can get a similar view in Canada but with COVID-19, we can't go to Canada at the moment.
Riverside is one of the other spots where I can get an almost clean bow shot.
Almost the straight on shot except that my timing was a little bit off.
The goose was a mural commissioned by the Canada Steamship Lines in commemoration of Canada's 150th anniversary.  I think it's pretty cool and was hoping that it would lead to murals on other ships but that hasn't happened.  Granted, shipping companies are in the shipping business and not the looking cool business but it would be nice to see.
Another view with some pleasure boats in the background.
Another relatively clean view with Belle Isle in the background.
A shot with Windsor in the background.
She continues on her way down the Detroit River.
She approaches the Ambassador Bridge.  You can see the shadow on her hull.
She starts to pass under the Ambassador Bridge.  She might even be under it at this point but I'm not sure.
I kind of like this shot.
I'm not sure if I like it with the bridge more centered though.
I think she is clear of the bridge at this point.  I didn't get to see a Westcott run though.
She continues down the river.
If she is heading to Montreal, I think she has two more days at this point.
And one more before the next ship.

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