Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Catching a Defiant Ashtabula

It wasn't too long before the next ship appeared.
Well it wasn't a ship but it was an articulated tug barge.
She is being visited by the pilot boat.
A nice bow shot of her.
Another shot of her with the Renaissance Building in the background.
I think she was heading down to Toledo but I'm not 100% sure.
She could have been heading down to Sandusky thought.  She would typically carry stone there.
I thought this picture kind of looked like the pilot boat was pushing her.  Even tried to make a joke of it but it went over a few heads.
She looked pretty nice in the light.  Normally she doesn't look so nice.
Another shot of her.
And she's framed by the Ambassador Bridge.
One more shot of her with the Ambassador Bridge.
A shot of her tug, the Defiance.
Another shot of her tug.
A stern shot of her tug.
One more shot before she moves on.

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