Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Not All Heroes Are the Cape

The next ship was a surprise.
I wasn't sure if she would be a new ship (and something tells me I said that before).
At any rate, she is the Cape and is owned by Seastar Shipmanagement out of Athens, Greece.
Prior to this she was known as the Heloise and was owned by a Hong Kong company and built in 2010.
She was bought by her current company in 2015 and it looks like she got a paint job since the last time I saw her because she looks pretty nice.
she passes the cement plant on the Windsor side.
I kind of like this one because the lighting is perfect and the background is relatively clean.
She approaches the Ambassador Bridge and gets the full effect of the setting sun.
I kind of like this shot with the Ambassador Bridge in it.
As she is just about passing the Ambassador Bridge.
One more shot.  I think she is on her way to Duluth.

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