Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Just a Test Flight

 Well tonight was an eventful night with the drone.  I thought that I would use the drone to get some pictures of the Ford Lake Dam.   So I go to a park that is just off the base of it and I thought that I would get some pictures.  As I get the drone over the river, I find out that it is an authorization zone and the drone would start landing in 99 seconds.  So I get some altitude on the drone and get it back.  Unfortunately, I crashed it in something.  It seemed okay but I needed to test it.

I knew that I could fly it over Depot Town but I didn't have much time because a storm was approaching.  So I took a picture of the freight house.
Another angle of the freight house.  Everything seems okay.
So I moved over to get a picture of the depot.
One more picture of the freight house before landing.

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