Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A Brief Evening at Depot Town

 So I ended up losing the cable used to connect my phone to the drone's remote.  I figured that I wasn't the only idiot that would do something like that so I looked one up on Amazon.  I found it and had it by yesterday.  I had to go make sure it worked, so I went over to Depot Town to catch a Wolverine.

I decided to sit in the Freight House this time.  I was hoping that I would have a better view of where I needed to place the drone.  Turns out that I really didn't.  But while I was there, I decided to get some pictures of the depot.
I pulled the drone up and back to get a picture of Depot Town.
It wasn't long before the Wolverine appeared.  This isn't the spot I was hoping to catch it but it kind of snuck up on me.
I do like this picture though.
I'm hoping to get this view with the train heading westbound but I think I'm going to have to wait until the Wolverine gets back on a normal schedule.

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