Tuesday, September 1, 2020

My Last Ship of the Day

 I decided to catch one more ship.  I decided to catch it down by Marine City so I didn't have to wait too long.

I was hoping to catch her from the boat launch but she had moved up too far to catch her there, so I went to a park that is actually in downtown Marine City.
I'm not sure where the Algoma Conveyor was heading from, but she was heading up to Goderich.
I would assume she is going there for salt.
The winds calmed down a little bit but I couldn't take the drone up too far because I would get the wind warnings.
This is the view I was hoping to get of the Mesabi Miner.
She passes by.
It always amazes me how blue the St Clair and Detroit Rivers are.
But then again, they are both pretty fast moving rivers and I don't think junk has too long to settle.
I love the wake views from up here.  You don't normally see the wake produced by these ships.
The beam shot.
She heads up the river.
I think Goderich is about 4 or 5 hours from here.
One more shot before heading home.

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