Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Winds and the Mesabi Miner

 This is the ship that I wanted to catch.

It was the Mesabi Miner and she was heading down from Superior, Wisconsin with a load of coal.
She was heading to St. Clair (well technically East China) where she would deliver that coal for the power plant.
I wanted to catch her with the drone but I wasn't sure I would be abEle to.  If you look at the cloud of steam leaving her stack, you can see that it is leaving almost straight out from her.  The winds on Saturday were pretty strong and they were making my drone unhappy.
Every so often, the winds would die down and give me hope.
But then they would pick up again.
At any rate, the weather gave me some nice clouds.
But still, I was hoping to get a shot of a 1000 footer from the air.
but I wasn't sure.
She starts to make the turn for the river.
Except that I missed the headshot.
At this point, I figured I wasn't going to use my drone.
So I switched to my smaller lens to get the closer shots.
I kind of like these but I think I would like the drone shots better since I'm getting more comfortable with it.
She moves closer.
I really like the clouds here.
And then I decided to take my drone up.  But it was giving me warnings because of the wind.
I didn't take it too far over the water because I didn't want to take a chance that I wouldn't get it back.
But I like the views.
One more from the air.

And one more from my normal camera.

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