Monday, September 28, 2020

Next Up, the Algoma Spirit

 It wasn't too long before the next ship appeared.  I was amazed at how busy of a day it was.  I haven't seen a day like this in a while.

I think the Algoma Spirit was coming down from Thunder Bay.  In fact, it is pretty likely that she was coming down from Thunder Bay.
She was heading over to Trois Rivieres, Quebec which is about halfway between Montreal and Quebec City.  It is another point where grain can be delivered for overseas trade.
If I remember correctly it is about a three day journey from Detroit. 
She has to go through all the locks of the Welland Canal and then I think she goes through the Eisenhower Canal.
I'm not sure where the waters in the St. Lawrence River start turning brackish but that might be the part where they start.
Anyway, trips like that are part of the reason why many of the Canadian boats look beat up.
I think the Spirit was constructed just before the Equinox boats.
Her pilot house has some of those characteristics.

And then I took the air again.
It was still pretty windy, so I couldn't get as high as I wanted again.
But the views from up here are still pretty cool.
The beam shot.
She continues on her long trip down the River.

A shot of her as she is about to pass the next ship.

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