Thursday, September 3, 2020

Should Have Been Four

 So I headed to the airport tonight.  I was hoping to catch at least two more 757s than I did.  I was also hoping to catch the return of Air France.  I didn't arrive in enough time to catch the first of four 757s.  It was a 757-300 that was coming in from Minneapolis.  The other 757 I was hoping to catch arrived on the opposite runway of where I was.  The Air France 777 ended up being delayed and I didn't want to stick around at the airport to catch it.

First up was the A220 arriving in from Austin.
As I've said before, the A220 is growing on me.  I wasn't sure about it when I first saw it but now that I've seen it more, it is a nice looking airplane.
It was a pretty nice night but a bit on the windy side.
One more shot.
I headed over to the other side to catch the next planes.
This is a Hawker 400 and with most business planes, I don't know where it was coming from.
A CRJ-200 from Allentown, Pennsylvania.
An A220 arriving from Dallas.  I kind of like it that I caught both beacons.
One of the planes that I was hoping to catch was the UPS 757.  I wasn't sure what runway it was going to come in on.  It seemed like it waited until the last minute to switch to the runway I was on.
Because of that, I was going to head over to the other side of the airport (and probably miss it).
The 757 is my favorite.
A beacon shot.
A CRJ-900 coming in from St. Louis.  This was after I headed to the other side because it seemed like the other two 757s I was hoping to catch were lining up this way.
A 737 arriving from Portland.
I missed the first 757 because it stayed on this runway and it landed while I was driving over.  That was the flight from Orlando.
This 757 was from Tampa.

And I was happy to see it.

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