Friday, September 4, 2020

The Conservatory and Aquarium From the Air

 So I thought that I would be catching the Cuyahoga.  Well, I wasn't sure that I would catch her since I left at the same time she left the fuel dock.  I saw that I wasn't going to catch her at Belle Isle, so I headed to Windmill Point only to her stern as she was laughing at me.  I figured that since I was in Detroit anyway, I might as well get some pictures of something.

So headed back to Belle Isle to get some pictures of the Conservatory and Aquarium from the air.  I thought they would look pretty cool.
And I will have to admit that the Conservatory does.
It was designed by Albert Kahn and it was inspired by Monticello.
I was trying different angles since I wasn't in a particular hurry.
I should have pulled my drone back a little bit to see if I could get the garden in the picture.  I might have to try my drone from another spot to do that.  But if I do, it will have to be around this time since the light is just about right.
Both buildings.  The Aquarium doesn't look as neat from the air.
The garden but unfortunately, I was kind of shooting into the sun.  But it still looked pretty cool.  I realize that I'm going to have to get pictures of the Peace Carillon at some point.
Just messing with different angles.
Looking at the buildings from the other side.
Clearly not designed to be seen from the air.
The koi pond.

And one more shot.


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