Saturday, December 12, 2020

And the Beautiful Federal Danube

 So it wasn't long after the first batch of eagles before the next ship appeared.

When I was taking this picture, she was on her way to Montreal.
As I post this article, she is on her way to Barcelona from Montreal.
I am guessing that she is carrying grain now.  There is alot of grain that gets sent to Montreal, it is then picked up by another ship for the trip to Europe.
Anyways, it's a shame they couldn't make an exception to their paint scheme to paint this particular one blue.
That would be fitting for her name.
Anyway, I think the salties look pretty cool and they give variety to many of the ships.
I just wish I could see some of the classic style with the pilothouse in the middle.
But I guess this version carries more cargo.
And I think these cranes can handle heavier loads.
So then I switched over to my drone.
I'll have to admit these ships look pretty cool from the air too.
It wasn't until I got the drone that I noticed they have a spot for a helicopter.
The almost beam shot.
The beam shot.
She continues on her way.
A shot with the city in it.
And one more shot.

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