Saturday, December 12, 2020

And the Federal Leda

 The next ship was following pretty closely.

And that ship was  the Federal Leda.
Which of course reminds me of the Lido Shuffle by Boz Scaggs.
I know that it isn't though.
The Leda River is a river in Northwest Germany.  It ends at Leer in Germany.
For the most part it is a navigable river.
I think all of the FedNav ships are named after rivers and that is kind of cool.
As I was taking the picture, she was heading to Montreal.
I think she was carrying a load of grain.
As I write this article, she is on her way to Quebec City.
And then I switched to the drone.
Like I said, while they look cool from the ground.
I think they look even cooler from the air.
As I get the hang of the drone, I think I can get better pictures.
The almost beam shot.
the beam shot.
She continues on her way.
I think from Detroit is about a three day trip to Montreal.  Quebec City is another day from Montreal.
And one more shot.

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