Saturday, December 12, 2020

And the Walter J. McCarthy, Jr.

 And I had one more ship to catch.  I wasn't sure I was going to catch her but when I saw her at the tip of Belle Isle, I figured I might as well stay for her.

I think she was heading down to Toledo but again, I don't remember.
If she was heading to Toledo, it was likely that she was carrying coal.  Although with the new iron plant there, it is possible she is carrying taconite.
She was named after a former Chairman of Detroit Edison.
She used to carry coal to the Detroit Edison plants quite a bit.
In fact, she used to have part of her painted blue because of that.
Obviously, the blue is gone.
She was the first 1000 footer built at Bay Shipbuilding in Wisconsin and she was the sixth of 10 vehicles built under Title XI of the Merchant Marine Act of 1970.
Anyway, I think these ships look pretty cool.
My drone was giving me some problems, so this was the first picture I could get with it.
The beam shot.
She continues down the river.
A shot with the city.
I like this one.
And one more.

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