Sunday, January 3, 2021

And Some Ships Occupy a Spot for Different Reasons

 After catching the Atlantic Huron, I decided to head over to Belle Isle to shorten the time to catch my next ship.  She's another ship that has a memory associated with it.

A little over two years ago, I found myself sick enough that I ended up in the hospital and rehab for two months.
I found out I had an infection that ended up spreading to my heart and taking out one of my valves.  That kept me in the hospital for close to a month as they replaced the valve.
Treating the infection kept me in rehab for another month as they had to give me an IV anti-biotic.
Fortunately it was a bacterial infection and not a viral infection.  I think if it were a viral infection, I would no longer be here.
As it was, it kept me in the hospital and at home for four months.  It was still a long recovery after that, as I didn't feel 100% for a long time after that.
Anyway, the Algoma Niagara was passing Port Huron as a new ship and I wanted to catch her.  I wasn't feeling 100% but I went up to catch her anyway.  
She was the last ship I saw before going into the hospital.  In fact, I think my friend commented that I didn't look good when I went out to see her. Turns out, that he was right.  It also turns out that I was much sicker than I thought I was.
Well, I feel better now but with a pandemic, I don't want to get that sick again.
But for the most part, I distance when I go out to photograph.
I don't remember where the Algoma Niagara was heading but I don't think it was her final trip.
She is still out and about as I type this.  In fact, I think she is heading to Goderich.
And I think that's where she came from in this picture.
It's pretty cool thinking of some stuff that trigger memories.

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