Sunday, January 10, 2021

And Then There Was the Herbert C. Jackson

So after catching the other two ships, I decided to head up to Belle Isle for the next ship.  I wanted a different view.  And I ended up going for a different spot than I have been using lately.  Since I didn't have my drone with me, I decided to go to the spot where I have a spot to sit but these huge steel things that seem to interfere with my drone.

So the next ship in question was the Herbert C. Jackson.  And she was coming up from either Cleveland or Sandusky (I forget which).
Anyway, I wasn't sure if I was going to see her or not as I thought she might stop for fuel (that's been happening quite a bit lately).
It was nice to see her because she is a classic laker and those seem to be getting fewer and far between.
Anyway, if it was Cleveland that she was coming from, it would have been after delivering iron.
If she was coming up from Sandusky, she would have been delivering stone.
It's also possible she was coming from Toledo which means she was delivering either iron or stone.
It wasn't a particularly nice day and a little bit on the cold side.
It was also starting to rain again, which is the cause of some of the splotches.
She passes the plant.
And of course as she passed, she turned on her running lights.
It would have been cool to get a beam shot of this.

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