Saturday, March 20, 2021

A Stop at Gallup Park

After the train, I went back to Island Park to see if I could get the owls.  I didn't see them but I still had a bit of light left so I decided to head over to Gallup Park.  It has been a while since I've been to Gallup but with the weather getting nicer, I'm gonna have to head over there so I can walk a bit after work.
The light was just about perfect when I arrived.  The sun was starting to set, so I was getting some of the nice orange light.  I caught this guy as he was starting to swim to me.
And then he started to turn.
I think this is a mute swan because of the little thing over his beak.
If I remember correctly, mute swans are not native to North America.  I think they have been naturalized here over the years though but they are still considered as invasive.
They still look pretty nice.
And a nice reflection.
And then I saw a mallard.  These are not invasive species.
I kind of like this angle.
A female mallard.  I think she was trying to get the water off her wings.  
Back to the male mallard.  The light was hitting him just right.  I like how their heads look green in the right light.
One more shot as my light was started to wane fairly quickly.  It was nice to get the park though.

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