Saturday, March 20, 2021

Catching Up to Another Old Friend

 So I headed over to Ann Arbor last night.  I was hoping that I might be able to catch the owl.   So I went over to Island Park.  I saw the tree where they were last year but I didn't see the owls.  I also heard a cardinal but I couldn't spot it.  But I will check back next week, as I was looking at my blog from last year, I realized I saw them in April.

Anyway, it occurred to me that I was around there at about the time the Wolverine would pass.  I ended up going to a park where I saw it before.  And I'll have to say it was a pretty good spot.
The Wolverine was running a little late and it's a good thing because I probably wouldn't have caught it otherwise.
I wasn't exactly sure when it was going to pass because I couldn't get a good fix on the schedule.  With COVID-19, Amtrak has reduced the schedule to one train each way per day.
I'm hoping as more people get the vaccine, things can return to a sort of normal.  I also hope that they bring back the train to three times per day.
I think it will be because I think the Wolverine was one of their profitable routes.
At any rate, it was nice to catch it.

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