Thursday, March 18, 2021

And the Main Attraction

 When I got to Muskegon, I passed the dock where the Alpena was unloading.  I saw that her radar was moving and smoke was coming out of her stack, so I figured it would be soon.  I headed over to the spot where I caught the Silversides.  I should have gone to the other side of the river but oh well.  Next time, I guess.

So the Alpena is on her 79th year of sailing.  She was built in 1942 and is currently the oldest self powered freighter on the Lakes.
There are some tug boats that are older.  There are also some tug barges that are older but they don't count for this.
She was originally built as the Leon Fraser and was longer under that name.
She sat in layup during the downturn in the 1980's.  
She was bought by her current owners and shortened to her current length.  She was also converted to a cement boat.
Her shortened length allows her to visit many of the rivers that she currently visits.
This particular trip started in Alpena.  She headed down to Muskegon first.  Fortunately for me, it took her a little time to pass through the Straits of Mackinac.
I have a friend who is part of her crew and he was able to let me know when she would be leaving Muskegon.
And he was right on the dot almost.
It was cool to get some shots of her with my drone.
But next time I come over here, I'm gonna have to use the other side because I think I get a better shot as they leave Lake Muskegon.
The almost beam shot.
I just wish the river were a little calmer, might have gotten a better reflection.
She passes by.
She heads out to Lake Michigan.
A shot of the channel as she continues on her way.
She continues out.  She would be on her way to Chicago after this.  Then she headed to St. Joseph and then Green Bay and then Alpena, I imagine.
I hope that I will catch her again.

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