Friday, March 26, 2021

And the Algoma Transport

 I went home after the airport and then I decided to check Marine Traffic.  I honestly wish I would have checked it sooner because the CSL Tadoussac was passing Detroit.  That is one I would like to have caught.  Oh well.

I saw that the Algoma Transport was heading up.  She had transited the Welland Canal the day before.
She was on her way up to Superior.  There I think she will pick up Taconite.  Presumably that will be for Nanticoke.
Or she could be going up to pick up coal.
Although as I type this, she's not going anywhere.  I think there are wind advisories on the Lakes.
And that might be messing up traffic a bit.
She starts to pass the Ambassador Bridge.
And is almost under it.  You can see the string of trucks waiting to get into Canada.
Based on the number of ships I see out and about, this might be a pretty good shipping year.
But then again, it can't be much worse that last year.
Anyway, it is good to see ships again.

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