Friday, March 26, 2021

And then the AlgoCanada

 As I was finishing out with the Algoma Transport, I saw that there was a ship coming downbound.

So I headed over to Belle Isle so that I could shorten the time until I saw her.
The ship in question was the AlgoCanada.  She would have been a ship I could have seen through the winter because they usually keep the tankers active.
I believe she was on her way to Nanticoke.
Presumably, she had a load of fuel oil.
Anyway, it was nice seeing another because I hate going down for just one ship.
This is not a bad spot on Belle Isle because the background is mostly unobscured.
I think it is roughly 17 hours to Nanticoke from this point.
She passes the apartments in Windsor.
And gives the beam shot.
And one more shot before heading off.

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