Wednesday, March 24, 2021

And a Stop in Fostoria

 I've been to Fostoria more recently because I've used my drone there.  This time I was hoping to get some more use out of it.  The only problem is that we got there fairly late in the day, so I didn't have to long to dally around.

Sadly, the signals were all red which meant there wasn't much around.  One of the other people had mentioned that they were running longer trains which meant few of them.  Somehow that doesn't surprise me as that seems to be the way things are going these days.
I think they've  finally built the ramp for this.  I think it is something you can go in.
I kind of like this platform.  It would be cool if they could build a raised one but that costs money.
Since I wasn't seeing to many trains, I just took my drone for a ride around the park.
As I was just about ready to give up, I heard a train horn, so I flew my drone over to where I could catch it.
It was a CSX engine pulling a fairly long string of coal cars.
I really should work on the timing and altitude for this shots.
I took my drone up so that I could get a shot of the town.  It was a little on the windy side though so I couldn't stay long here.
And a shot of the F tower.

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