Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Catching a Bunch of Eagles at Magee

 After taking the drive through Ottawa, I headed over to Magee next.  Again, it has been a while since I've been there as well.  I want to say that it's been close to two years because it was closed before the pandemic.  Anyway, it was nice to get over here.

As I got into the park, I looked up in the sky and I saw about 5 to 7 eagles.  I could never quite a get a good count.
Based on their feathers, it seemed like it may be a family.  There was a pair that I saw that looked fully grown and then there were some that had the mottling of younger eagles.  I'm assuming the pair that looked fully grown were the parents.
And it seemed like the older eagles were teaching the other eagles how to hunt.  I would see a couple of them dive down and then some other eagles would follow.
This one ended up turning.
In level flight.  It's amazing how much airplane maneuvers resemble birds.
I think this one was a younger eagle because he had the white splotches on his feathers still.
This is one of the other eagles.
Like I said, they were just flying around.  It was pretty cool.
It was almost like a nice little air show.
And the lighting was just about perfect for me.
It was cool to hear their cries.
And to get some pictures of them in flight.
I think he was adjusting his "flaps in this picture".
It's amazing how far their wingspread is.  I'd imagine they can glide quite a ways.
Again, this was pretty cool to see.
One of these days, I would like to catch an eagle diving on its prey.
Another one gliding.
Another gliding shot.
I think he is about ready to dive here.  Shortly after this picture, the eagles all left, so I decided to leave.

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