Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A New Visitor to Michigan Exposures

 Little did I realize, I would end up getting a new ship on my blog.

The Andean is a new visitor to this blog but I'm pretty sure she is not a new visitor to the Lakes.
The Andean was built in 2009 for her current owners.
Her flag of convenience is from Cyprus.
And she currently sails under charter for Canada Forest Navigation.
She is 606 feet long and 77 feet wide and that means she can fit through the Welland Canal.
Well I guess she would have to fit through the Welland to get here.
I think she was heading up to Sault Ste Marie, but I'm not sure.
You can see the next ship in the background.
I like this angle and I like this spot because I can get a fairly close shot of this angle.
One more shot.
And then I took to the air.  I love the blue of the water from the sky.  It almost looks like a pool.
I was able to maneuver well enough to get this angle.
I kind of like the wake from these boats.
The beam shot.
And she moves on.
One more shot before the next ship.

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