Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Catching Up With the Honorable James L. Oberstar

 It wasn't long before the next ship appeared.

The next ship was the Honorable James L. Oberstar.
I think she was coming up from Dearborn and she was heading up to Superior.
I'm not sure what she was loading in Superior but she was heading to Marquette after that.
The Oberstar is like most of the Interlake boats, she tends to stay busy from the beginning of the season until the end.
She also appears to be well taken care of.
One more shot from my normal camera.
And again, I took to the air.  This time, I tried to stay closer to her a little longer.
I wanted to try to get some different angles.
I kind of like this shot but I should have kept the drone lower.
I like this shot.
And then I tried to get a beam shot.
I was trying to be careful though.  I didn't want to pull my drone back too far.
And she moves on.
I like seeing the wake from these.
One more shot.

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