Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Catching the CSL Welland

I like it when it is a fairly busy shipping day.  This ship was following fairly close to the Ocean Castle.

Next up was the CSL Welland.  I think she was heading down from Thunder Bay but I am not sure.
Given her configuration, it is likely she was heading down from Thunder Bay.
Given how busy the straight deckers have been so far, it looks like it might be a good year for grain again.
I do like the looks of these ships better than the self unloaders.
But both serve their purpose.  The self unloaders are a little more versatile though.
She is making the turn to enter the channel.
The light was just about right.  You can see the shadows from the Blue Water Bridge on her.
She makes the final turn for for the channel and gives me a decent bow shot but my timing was a little off.
I like this angle the best.
One more shot with the bridge behind her.
Again, I switched to my drone.  I love the shot with the drone here.
She makes the turn for the other part of the rinver.
An almost beam shot.
I like this shot.
She continues down the river.
One more shot with the Huron and Hollyhock in it.
Then I headed down to St. Clair.  I wanted to shorten the timing to the next ship.
She makes the turn for the channel here.  It's amazing watching these ships navigate these rivers.

Except that it gives me about the same angle.
Again, I took to the air.
And she is about to pass the subject of the next post.  I think she was heading to Montreal.

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