Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Catching the Manitoulin

 The next ship is one of the ships I was hoping to catch but I wasn't going to waste much effort to catch her.  If I didn't catch her, I figured I would catch her another day.

As I was taking pictures of the Mississagi in Port Huron, I heard the sound of a ship behind me.
I turned around and saw the Manitoulin.
I don't remember where she was heading but I'm guessing that she was carrying stone because that is her typical cargo.
She bears a resemblance to the Algoma Innovator.  I think the boom is mounted on the front so that she can get into certain ports.
The new ship by Interlake Steamships will also be configured like this.  Many of the Boatnerd community do not like these but I don't mind.  They are something different.

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