Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Catching Up with the AlgoCanada

 After catching the Mississagi, I saw that there were a few other ships that I could catch.  It's been a while since I've caught multiple ships on the river, so I was excited.

First up was the AlgoCanada.
I think she was headed up to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario with a load of fuel oil.
That is typically one of her normal routes.
Even though I've seen her a couple times over the winter, it was nice to see her.
She makes the turn to leave the river.
One more shot as she gets closer.
The bow shot.
She makes the turn to head out into Lake Huron.
I will have to say that she is a pretty nice looking ship.
Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
Another shot.
She starts to pass by.
An almost beam shot.
The beam shot.
One more shot as she heads into Lake Huron.

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