Friday, May 21, 2021

A Stop at the Sandhill Soaring Club

 After you leave Embury Road, you can go down another dirt road until you get to Unadilla.  From Unadilla, you get on Unadilla Road.  That leads you to the Sandhill Soaring Club.

A friend of mine used to be a member here.  He was learning how to fly gliders.  
One of their gliders getting ready to take off.
This plane is a Piper Pawnee.  This was originally designed to be an agricultural aircraft.  It is also used to tow banners and gliders.
The glider starts to get some lift.
Another glider coming in.
It's amazing how neat these planes look.
Unfortunately, I was getting a little heat haze.
The Pawnee coming back.
I kind of like this backdrop.
She comes in for a landing.
She slows down.
I guess these planes are pretty maneuverable.
I was trying to get other angles of her.
She continues to her stopping point.
She gets ready to tow another glider.

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