Friday, May 21, 2021

A Return to Embury Road

 So on Saturday my mom and I took a bit of a whirlwind tour.   I wanted to get some pictures of a couple lighthouses with my drone.  I kind of took the scenic way of getting to those points and that meant a stop at Embury Road.

The Jack in the pulpit finally made its way out.
This is a pretty cool looking flower.
I think it may be related to the Venus fly trap.
I'm pretty sure they will eat insects.  I think water gathers in the bottom and that is used to digest flies and what not.
But still a pretty cool looking flower.
I think this is a false Solomon's seal.
Spring beauties.
More of those.
I'm not sue what this is.
But it is a pretty flower.
Different types.
One more.
A May apple.
I used the flash to get this shot.
And this is a trillium.
Another one.
A trio of them.
And I found another Jack in the pulpit.
I'm not sure why it has different coloring.
And I'll finish with some more trillium.
This is a pretty flower.

And one more before moving on.

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