Wednesday, May 19, 2021

And the CSL St. Laurent

 I had one more ship that I wanted to catch but sadly my light was starting to fade on me.

Fortunately, it didn't fade too fast and it made for good lighting for my pictures.
I think this is what is known as the "golden hour".  The light of the setting sun casts a golden shade.
Artists like to paint at this time because they get a nice brightly lit scene.
It's also a good time for photography.
I was happy to catch this ship because I like this mural.
I was hoping they would do other ships.
But I guess this is going to be the only one.
Oh well.
Sadly, I don't remember where it was heading.
And then I switched to the drone.
I kind of like this shot.
One of these days, I'll have to keep it close but I don't like to take that chance.
The beam shot.
She continues on.
You can see the Tregurtha in there.
I'm not normally a fan of the beam shot, but I like this one.

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