Saturday, May 29, 2021

Catching the Michipicoten on the Flip Side

 It's not often when I can get ships on their return trips but that happened in this case.

The Michipicoten was delivering stone to Detroit and she was on her way home as I took these pictures.
I was kind of surprised at the number of ships I caught on Sunday.
I was also surprised at how closely these ships were together.  It made it tough getting pictures of each of them.
But I managed.
I was happy to get a few more pictures of this ship.
As I said, I don't see her often enough, so it was nice to see her in this area.
The head shot.
She makes a turn to leave the channel.
I had a chance to get a couple of more pictures with my proper camera.
One more, I like the bow action in this shot.
And then I switched to my drone.
I kind of like these shots.
I just wish I'd get braver and move closer to the ship.
I'm afraid that if I do that, I will lose the drone.
And these shots aren't bad.
I was trying to keep this angle.
But she was moving too fast for me.
A beam shot.
She works her way into Lake Huron.
I kind of like this shot.
And one more of her with my normal camera.

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