Saturday, May 29, 2021

Catching Up With the Saginaw

 So the next ship is one that I haven't seen in a while.  She's another one that has been eluding me this season.

The ship in question is the Saginaw.
Here the Saginaw is stalking the Isabelle G.
She got a patch sometime last year.  I don't remember if I ever got a chance to get a picture of it until now.  I guess it would have been nice if they would have painted it to match.
I don't remember why she got either.
I think she was coming up from Windsor.
And I think she was carrying a load of stone.
But honestly, I don't remember.
It was nice to see her though.
The bow shot.
And then I switched to my drone.
I am really liking these shots from the drone.
Except that I think I may need to break down and get a bigger drone.
I was nearly at the edge of wind tolerance when I took these pictures.
But I'm glad I got them because they look cool.
I thought I had more shots of the Saginaw but as you can see, there was a ship that was following pretty close behind and I think I switched to that one.

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