Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Frontenac on a Miserable Day

 After my stop at the Heidelberg Project, I continued down to Belle Isle.

I saw that I had a chance to catch the Frontenac.
She is a ship that I like to catch because she's one of the nicer looking ships out there.
She was on her way up to Superior.
I think she was going to pick up a load of iron ore there.
I'm not sure where she is heading after that.  Presumably she would be heading to Nanticoke.
It was kind of raining, so I wasn't sure if I would still be able to use my drone.
but as I was taking these pictures, the rain started to let up.
It was still a little windy but not too bad.

One more shot with my normal camera.
And then I took the drone up.
Even though it was miserable out, the water still looked blue enough.
She starts to pass by.
A beam shot.
And she passes by.
She continues on her way to Superior.  From this point, it is roughly a two day trip up there.

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