Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Heidelberg Project Revisited

 It has been a while since I've stopped here.  There was a rash of fires a few years ago and I thought that was enough for him to end the project.  Instead, that got a few supporters to rally around him.  I think because of that, he was able to buy some of the property.  It looks like he cleaned up some of the area a bit.  It wasn't quite as crowded.

This was a shack across the street.
The dog house.
I don't know why, but I like this piece.
A painting.
I think this is a monument to our throwaway society.
This is reminiscent of the piles of shoes that lined the concentration camps.  Back then a pair of shoes would represent a life lost.
Looking down the street.  There aren't quite as many houses.  Some of the more famous houses have disappeared.
A pile of shopping carts.
This used to be a burnt out house but I think the job was finished.
This kind of reminds me of a newsstand.
A taxi cab.
I'm not sure what kind of car this is.
Another view of the newsstand.
A lion with sunglasses.
I think this is supposed to represent the ark.

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