Sunday, August 15, 2021

Some Shots of the Fishing Boats

 Every time I'm in Port Huron, I can look across the river and see the Purdy Fishery in Sarnia.  My mom wanted me to take some pictures of it, so I did.

A pair of fish tugs docked out in front.  It is rare when I see these guys out and about.
They look pretty cool though.
Pulled out to get all of them.
Since I had my drone out for other reasons, I decided to send it in closer.  I stayed over the water though.
A pair of fish tugs.  I thought they looked kind of cool.
Some more.
My mom didn't want aerial shots, so I decided to pull my drone closer to the water.  I didn't want to bring it too close because I would afraid it would auto land.
Some more.
A lone tug.
And the group of them.

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