Friday, August 13, 2021

The Blue Angels From the K-Mart Parking Lot

 So on Sunday, I decided that I wanted to see the Blue Angels one more time before doing other things.  I heard that the K-Mart parking lot on Rawsonville Road was a decent place to see the air show.  So I headed over there and it seemed like a few other people got the memo.

Given that the air show is the major fundraiser for the Yankee Air Museum, I don't mind paying but I really only wanted to see the Blue Angels so I figured this wouldn't be too bad.

It was pretty good spot but the haze that has been lingering the air kind of hampered my photos.
The diamond getting some altitude.
They did a nice loop.
And a pass by.
One of the solos taking off.
He did a nice pass and there was enough humidity in the air to make some nice vapor trails.
Another angle.
And then he levels off.
The five ship formation.  Unfortunately, the haze didn't help.
The echelon formation.
Another pass.
One of the main formation Blue Angels in a pass.
The delta formation.
A burst formation.  This looked pretty cool in person.
One last picture.

I hope next year's Thunder Over Michigan is as good as this one.  This year's reminded me of the ones of old.  I hope they continue.

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