Sunday, September 5, 2021

St. Francis Red Flash at Eastern Michigan Eagles

 So on Friday night I went to the Eastern Michigan game.  It was the first in person game for me since the pandemic began.  It was pretty cool to go to.  The crowd was decent for an Eastern game but not overwhelming.

I got there early enough to catch some of the practice.
As the practice was going on, this flight was leaving Detroit Metro and passing by the Stadium.  I think it was the flight to Amsterdam.
And then the band took the field.  I watched a few games last year and most of them didn't have the band.  And that seemed off.
And then the rest of the band took the field.
The drum major tried to back into the field but it didn't quite happen.
As I said, it was cool to see the band.
The ROTC color guard lining up for the Star Spangled Banner.
The band during the Star Spangled Banner.
They had the eagle again.
And the eagle's handler.
One more picture of the eagle.
The band as they were marching off the field.
I think this was the band during halftime.  They played a couple of Disney songs.
One more shot of the band.
I think this was my favorite of the game.  If you want to see more pictures, go to Hustle Belt.

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