Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Arthur M. Anderson Unloading in Detroit

 I saw that the Arthur M. Anderson was making her way down today.  I knew that I couldn't catch her underway but I was hoping that I could catch her unloading.

It turns out that her destination was listed as Detroit on AIS.  I was actually hoping that it was the stone dock by the Ambassador Bridge.
But then I looked before I left home and discovered that it was this stone dock which is near Zug Island.  I remembered getting pictures of the Cuyahoga here, so I figured the Anderson would be no problem.
It turns out that the Anderson was a little closer than the Cuyahoga, so it was no problem getting pictures of her.
In fact, I could get closer to her than the Cuyahoga.  I had plenty of distance left here.
My only complaint is that I was shooting into the sun for some of the pictures.
Anyway, she came down from Calcite with a load of stone.  Her trip down was about 18 hours.
I kind of wish I could have gotten pictures of her underway but I'll take what I can get.
Looking at her holds, it might be a while before she moved again.
I guess this is one of the aspects I like about the drone, is that I can get different angles.
I can even see down in the holds but I would never fly directly over a ship.
I might get close to that.
She was close to the pilings for the bridge.  I wonder what is going to happen to this dock when the bridge gets built.
I think the truck ferry dock is a little behind her.  I was gonna try to get pictures from there but I don't think it would have been in the right spot.
One more picture with my drone.
And then I decided to switch to my other camera.  I really like this shot.

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