Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Alpena Unloading Cement

 I wanted to catch the Alpena the night before but as I was doing the math, I wasn't sure that I would catch her as it was still light out.  When I got home and saw the pictures that other people took, I found out that I could have stayed and caught her.  Oh well.

I wasn't too disappointed that I couldn't catch her passing Port Huron because she was heading to Detroit.
She has a fairly long unloading time (unless she was doing a split load but that wasn't the case this time).  So I knew that I had a pretty good chance of catching her.
I had to use my drone to do it though but that was okay.  It was a little windy but it wasn't too windy.
She is well within range from Del Ray Park.  It is also out of the no fly zone for the Tigers.
Plus, I get the chance to experiment with different angles while she is docked.  I'm not sure about this one.
But I like this shot better.
I think I am deciding that I like the lower angles.
I pulled the drone out to get sort of a beam shot.
And I like this shot too.
I had to get a full shot of the plant.  I also got a shot of the piling for the new bridge.

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