Monday, September 20, 2021

The Alpena Unloads in Detroit

 So this is the ship that I saw was docked in Detroit.  She's one that I like to catch.

Since I had my drone out to catch the tug, I pulled it back to get a more or less beam shot of the Alpena.  Unfortunately the sun was working against me but I still like the shot.
One think I like about getting pictures of docked ships is that it lets me get different angles and see what works best.  I took the drone up for this one.  The river offers no obstacles, so I can pretty much take my drone where I want.
I kind of like this shot.  Although it reminds me of one of those U2 shots from the Cold War.  Her we see the Soviet freighter unloading somewhere.
I lowered it a bit.  I think I like the low angles better.  Gets more the background in and it makes the ship look more impressive.
I moved the drone to get the head on shot.
And then I pulled it up to get this one.
Another high angle shot.
I think I like this the best.
Since I had my drone out for another ship, I had to get this shot.  You can see the Gordie Howe bridge support to the left.
I lowered it a bit to get less of the sun glare.

I moved to the side a little bit.

I had to get at least one shot with my regular camera.  I really like this one.

The Alpena has a fairly long unload time, so I figured I might have a chance to get her on Saturday.

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